Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Buckinghamshire Food Partnership

It's hard to believe that it was way back in May 2020 when I first became involved in the Buckingham Food Partnership, something which I wrote about in one of my early blogs. Those of you who read that article may remember that the food charity Sustain asked the question - Is it time for a Buckinghamshire Food Partnership? and Hannah Fenton was appointed as the Buckinghamshire Food Coordinator with the aim of setting up a scoping project to investigate the level of interest and potential commitment to establishing such a county-wide food partnership.

It's been a year since the project began and the results so far have been very positive. So much so, that some of the individuals who have been involved over the last few months have gone on to form a steering group and begun the process of incorporating the food partnership as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.

I am delighted to be one of the cross-sector steering group members who are managing the work of the Buckinghamshire Food Partnership over the next few months, while trustees are being appointed. You can find more information on applying to be a trustee of this new food focused charity through Sustain's website.

I am looking forward to 'getting my teeth' (pardon the pun!) into our six key work strands, which are: Food Governance and Strategy, Good Food Movement, Healthy Food for All, Sustainable Food Economy, Catering and Procurement and Food for the Planet. I shall update you all as we go along and also describe where the potential Food Hub/Cooperative, also written about in an earlier blog, may fit within our work strands. 

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