Saturday, February 1, 2025

Imbolc, St Brigid's Day and early signs of spring

When I was younger, February was my least favourite month of the year. The late winter would often feel cold and bleak and there was always a chance of late snow and frost. Over the last few years I've realised that signs of life are everywhere in February as nature gears up ready for spring and that this month is not as bleak as I first thought.

I love to see the lighter nights, buds on the trees, early lambs in the field and hear the early morning bird song. Closer to home one of our chickens, Demelza, who is a white egg layer, will start laying again around the 17th of the month.

In Ireland the 1st February marks the start of spring and is a celebration of St Brigid. Also called Imbolc, it is halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Walks in nature, sharing a meal with family and friends and lighting candles or fires to welcome the returning light are all ways to celebrate the day.

How will you welcome spring this year?

1 comment:

  1. A enjoyable blog. Remember, February has Valentine's Day. And, for me, it signals that fall and winter are fnished.


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