Sunday, August 22, 2021

My Churchill Fellowship Report and Next Steps

I am delighted to share my Churchill Fellowship Report and update you on my post research next steps.

My report - Care farming: the benefits for farmers and the rural community was published on the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust website earlier in August. I would like to thank the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust and The Prince's Countryside Fund for their generosity and for supporting my Digital Fellowship. I would also like to thank everyone who took part in my research and gave their time so freely.

My report had a number of recommendations including: 

  • the development of robust care farming information for would be care farmers,
  • the development of a comprehensive training programme, 
  • developing a global peer to peer social care farming network, 
  • convening farmer focus groups to discuss the recommendations from my report, 
  • the establishment of a sustainable food and farming working group, 
  • the formation of a global social care farming research centre 
  • the continuation of research into care farming.

Over the next few weeks and months I will, with the help of farmers and researchers, begin to address these recommendations beginning with the farmer focus groups in September.

Reproduced by kind permission of Hopewell Ohio USA

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